Schlage ND80BD-EU-RHO-626 Electrified Cylindrical Lock, Storeroom Function, 12-24V DC, Fail Secure, Rhodes Lever, SFIC Prep, Less Core, Satin Chrome
ND Series Electrified Lever Locks
Electrified Schlage cylindrical locks offer superior energy efficiency and flexibility in wired electrified applications.
Wired electrified locks complement the mechanical offering and are typically incorporated into a wired access control system or used independently with a remote access switch.

The electrified ND is ideally used in:
- High-traffic areas, where line power ensures continuous operation
- New construction, where electrified door prep, hinges, and wiring can easily be incorporated into the building
Key Features
All mechanical features plus:
- Auto-detecting 12-24VDC input
- Selectable EL/EU operation
- Low 0.23 amp max current draw that allows multiple locks on a single power supply
- Low 0.010 amp holding current that eliminates "hot levers" in electrically locked applications
- Modular Request to Exit (RX) that can be added at any time
- Inventory friendly–one lock supports 12-24V, EL or EU, with or without RX
- Six electrified functions for application flexibility