

Exit Device Alarm Kits

5 products

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Products for "" in Exit Device Alarm Kits

5 products

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Key Features of Exit Device Alarm Kits

The following are some of the critical features of exit device alarm kits:

  • Alarm Activation: These devices are designed so that when the exit bar or push pad is pressed intentionally or without authorization, the alarm instantly alerts staff or security personnel that the door has been opened.
  • Safety Regulation and Compliance: These exit door alarms for commercial use are built in compliance with fire safety codes and other relevant regulations and legal requirements, ensuring that exit doors are properly monitored and maintained.
  • Better Security: These alarm kits help prevent unauthorized entry or theft, enhancing building security by monitoring exit doors. Moreover, these devices are available in different finishes, including Dark Bronze SP313-695, Satin Stainless Steel US32D-630, 313 Dark Bronze Anodized, and more.
  • Mute and Reset Options: Some models include mute and reset options, which can be highly convenient during maintenance or if the alarm sounds during a legitimate emergency exit.
  • Power Options: Depending on specific installation requirements, these devices typically run on either batteries or the building’s electrical system. Popular battery-operated models include the Von Duprin 98ALK, Sargent 545-1-32D, Von Duprin 22ALK, and Von Duprin 99ALK.
  • High Security: These high-quality exit device alarm kits suit diverse, high-security environments. They help prevent unauthorized entry and theft and ensure safety during emergencies.
  • System Integration: Some commercial exit device alarm kits can be integrated with the building’s overall security system, including surveillance cameras and access control systems, providing better monitoring and a quicker response to incidents.
  • Tamper Detection: Some devices include sensors that detect tampering. If someone attempts to disable the exit device or force the door open, the alarm will be triggered, signaling a potential security breach.

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