Importance and Benefits of Door Closers in Commercial Settings

Importance and Benefits of Door Closers in Commercial Settings


Doors are fundamental to both architectural design and building security. However, many people underestimate the important role door closers play in ensuring the safety and functionality of a building. These mechanical devices, whether hydraulic or spring-based, automatically shut doors once they've been opened. Their importance is especially pronounced in commercial environments with high foot traffic. For the safety and security of your business and its occupants, it’s crucial that perimeter doors consistently close and lock securely.
In today’s fast-paced world, automatic door closers have become ubiquitous, playing a vital role in the functionality and safety of all types of buildings. This article delves into the reasons why businesses require high-quality door closers and offers guidance on selecting a reliable commercial door hardware supplier.

Functions of Door Closers

Door Closer


A door closer is a mechanical device designed to close doors automatically once they’ve been opened. It serves several crucial functions in commercial settings:

  • Automatic Closing: The primary function is to ensure doors aren’t left open, compromising security, privacy, and energy efficiency. An open exterior door can be an invitation to unauthorized entry, while an open interior door in a climate-controlled building can lead to wasted energy.
  • Controlled Closing Speed: Door closers allow for the adjustment of closing speed, preventing doors from slamming shut and potentially causing injury or damage. This controlled closure is particularly important in high-traffic areas where people may be entering or exiting quickly.
  • Controlled Closing Force: Door closers also regulate the force with which the door closes. This prevents excessive force that could be harmful in settings with children or the elderly. For example, a strong spring-based closer might be suitable for a heavy exterior door in a high-wind area, but it would be inappropriate for a lightweight interior door in a daycare center.
  • Safety and Security Enhancement: Door closers play a vital role in enhancing safety and security by ensuring that doors do not swing freely, thereby mitigating the risk of collisions with individuals or objects. Their significance is particularly pronounced in high-traffic zones where distractions are common, and individuals may not be fully aware of their immediate environment. Also, the mechanism of controlled closing that door closers provide serves as a preventative measure against finger-pinching incidents, thus contributing to a safer environment for everyone.
  • Accessibility: Door closers improve accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges by making it easier to open and close doors. The controlled closing speed and force ensure that doors don't require excessive force to open but close securely behind them.
  • Energy Efficiency: Properly installed door closers help conserve energy by minimizing the loss of heated or cooled air from the interior of a building. This is particularly important in areas with extreme climates. By ensuring doors close promptly after use, door closers help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and reduce energy costs associated with heating and cooling.

    Importance of Doors in Commercial Building Safety

    Doors are integral to ensuring safety and security in commercial buildings. Beyond their basic function of providing access, doors contribute to several key safety aspects such as:

    • Physical Barrier: Doors act as the first line of defense against unauthorized entry, theft, and vandalism. A sturdy door equipped with a secure lock and a reliable door closer deters potential intruders.
    • Privacy Protection: Doors ensure the confidentiality of designated spaces, such as offices, conference rooms, and restrooms.
    • Safety from External Threats: Doors safeguard occupants from external threats, such as bad weather, hazardous materials spills, and active shooter situations.
    • Fire Safety: Doors play a crucial role in fire safety by compartmentalizing spaces, and preventing the spread of flames and smoke. Fire-rated doors, equipped with automatic closers, are essential for safe evacuation during a fire emergency.
    • Emergency Egress: Doors provide designated exits during an emergency, allowing occupants to evacuate the building quickly and safely.
    • Containment of Hazards: Doors can help contain potential dangers within a confined area, preventing them from spreading to other parts of the building. For example, a door can be used to isolate a room with a hazardous material spill.
    • Weather Protection: Doors shield the building's interior from harsh weather elements, such as rain, snow, wind, and extreme temperatures.
    • Controlled Access: Doors regulate who can enter specific areas within a commercial building. This helps maintain security and restricts access to unauthorized personnel.

    Advantages of Door Closers

    Understanding the benefits of door closers can help property owners and facility managers make informed decisions when selecting and installing these essential devices. More than just convenience, they play a main role in ensuring the safety, security, accessibility, energy efficiency, and regulatory compliance of commercial spaces.

    • Enhanced Security: Automatic door closers act as silent security guards, automatically securing doors after use. This deters unauthorized entry and safeguards valuables, especially for after-hours periods when buildings are unoccupied.
    • Improved Safety: Door closers contribute to a safer environment for everyone within the building. Controlled closing speeds prevent doors from slamming shut, minimizing the risk of injuries caused by pinched fingers or collisions. During fire emergencies, automatic closers on fire doors ensure they close promptly, containing flames and smoke while facilitating safe evacuation. Additionally, door closers can help regulate air circulation and minimize the spread of airborne contaminants, promoting a healthier work environment.
    • Accessibility for Everyone: Door closers with adjustable opening force and closing speed comply with ADA regulations, making it easier for people with disabilities to open and close doors. This promotes inclusivity and ensures everyone can navigate the building effortlessly.
    • Energy Efficiency: By minimizing the loss of heated or cooled air through open doorways, door closers contribute significantly to energy conservation. This translates to lower energy bills and a reduced environmental footprint. Studies have shown that properly installed door closers can provide substantial energy savings in commercial settings.
    • Compliance with Regulations: Door closers play a major role in ensuring adherence to various building codes and accessibility standards. For instance, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates specific requirements for opening force and closing speed to facilitate access for people with disabilities.

    Security Applications of Door Closers

    Installing a door closer can yield numerous advantages for all properties. Here are three key security applications for door closers:

    • Exterior Auxiliary Doors: Side and back doors are often overlooked in access control measures. Door closers ensure these entrances remain securely latched, preventing unauthorized access.
    • Fire Doors: In emergency situations, such as fires, door closers ensure that doors on stair towers can fully latch to maintain positive pressure. This prevents smoke infiltration and aids in safe evacuation.

    Interior Doors: Door closers are beneficial for interior doors in spaces where noise intrusion or hands-free operation is a concern. Common applications include classrooms, auditoriums, gyms, retail spaces, storage closets, and mechanical rooms.

    Addressing the Issue of Banging Doors with Door Closers

    Many individuals traverse office spaces throughout the day, leading to frequent opening and closing of doors. Door closers, calibrated to regulate the speed of door movement, offer a practical solution. With the ability to adjust the door's opening width, these closers effectively prevent doors from slamming against walls, addressing the problem of abrupt impacts caused by hurried movements. For seamless installation of door closers tailored to your establishment's needs, enlist the expertise of a reputable locksmith.

    Lowers Air Conditioning Expenses

    Air conditioning regulates room temperature, especially during the winter when heat retention is necessary. Door closers contribute to lowering air conditioning bills by ensuring that doors close promptly after use, preventing cold air from escaping and warm air from entering the building. Conversely, during the summer, open doors allow hot air to enter, increasing the strain on air conditioners and driving up energy costs. Hiring a qualified machinist to install suitable door closers and locks can effectively minimize air conditioning expenses for your workplace.

    Enhancing Fire Safety with Door Closers

    Door closers are integral components of fire safety systems in buildings. Here's how door closers contribute to fire safety measures:

    1. Automatic Closure
    2. Compartmentalization
    3. Maintaining Integrity
    4. Preventing Drafts
    5. Ensuring Escape Routes
    6. Compliance with Regulations

    Regulations Regarding Door Closers

    1. ADA Standards: Guidelines under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensure door closers accommodate individuals with disabilities, covering parameters like closing speed and opening force.
    2. Fire Safety Codes: Fire safety regulations mandate the installation of fire-rated doors with automatic closers in specific buildings, per the International Building Code (IBC), to prevent smoke and flame spread. These doors require thorough inspections after installation, subsequent maintenance, and annually to evaluate their integrity and functionality. The frequency of these inspections may increase based on local requirements or the previous inspection’s findings.
    3. Building Codes: Local regulations may specify door closer requirements for performance, durability, and installation methods to enhance building safety and security.
    4. Accessibility Standards: State or local accessibility standards may prescribe door closers for accommodating individuals with diverse needs and mobility impairments. Doors in means of egress, exit enclosures, and exit passageways must have closers as per IBC requirements.
    5. Occupancy Requirements: Certain occupancies, like healthcare facilities, may have specific regulations regarding door closer usage for patient safety, infection control, and security. Building owners bear liability for any life-threatening violations of safety regulations.
    6. Maintenance Standards: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure door closers operate efficiently and comply with regulations, avoiding malfunctions, and compromising safety. Regular inspection of door closers is crucial to ensure proper functioning and installation.
    7. Product Standards: Door closers must meet certain industry standards and certifications for performance, durability, and safety. This is to ensure they are safe and reliable for various applications. The U.S. model codes necessitate self-closing apartment doors, except for interior doors within individual dwelling units or sleeping units in Group R occupancies. Non-compliance with commercial safety requirements can lead to fines and potential imprisonment.

    Understanding and adhering to regulations regarding door closers is essential for architects, building owners, facility managers, and contractors to ensure compliance with legal requirements and maintain a safe and accessible environment for building occupants.

    Door Closers and Code Requirements

    Meeting code requirements for opening force can be challenging as physics, engineering, and regulations intersect.

    • ADA and IBC Standards: Both ADA and IBC mandate that interior doors should require no more than 5 pounds of opening force. ADA specifies continuous force to fully open a door, not just the initial force to overcome the seal.
    • Exterior Door Dilemma: Exterior doors present additional challenges due to factors like wind, stack pressure, and door sweeps. While no accessibility standard exists for exterior door opening force, state and local building codes may set limits ranging from 8 to 15 pounds.
    • Closing Force Reduction: Friction diminishes closing force by 20% or more, impacting door functionality. For instance, if the opening force limit is 8 pounds, the closing force could decrease to 6.4 pounds.
    • Solution with Norton Rixson Closers: Norton Rixson 7575 Series or 2800ST Cam Action door closers offer adjustable features like opening power, sweep speed, and backcheck cushioning. This flexibility allows architects to accommodate various force factors effectively.
    • Durability and Security: In institutional settings, door closers made of durable materials like aluminum, brass, or stainless steel are crucial. Models like the Norton Rixson 7575 series include security arms to prevent disassembly, ensuring longevity and security against high traffic and abuse.

    Choosing Door Closers: Exploring Options from

    When selecting the ideal door closers and locks, it's essential to consider several factors including choosing a reliable door hardware seller:

    • Door Type and Usage: Different types of doors require different closers. Consider the door’s weight, size, and frequency of use before selecting. For example, a heavy exterior door in a high-traffic area will require a more robust door closer than a lightweight interior door in a low-traffic office.
    • Fire Safety Requirements: Fire doors must be equipped with fire-rated door closers tested and certified to withstand high temperatures. These closers are essential for maintaining fire compartmentalization during a fire emergency.
    • Accessibility Needs: Door closers should comply with ADA regulations to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities. These regulations specify the maximum opening force and closing speed requirements.
    • Desired Features: Door closers come with a variety of features, such as hold-open functionality, backcheck (which prevents the door from swinging open too quickly), and delayed action closing (which allows the door to remain open for a brief period after being pushed open). Choose features that best suit your specific needs and preferences.
    • Budget: Door closers have a wide range in price depending on the type, features, and brand. QualityDoor offers a large selection of in-stock and ready-to-ship commercial door closers from industry-leading brands such as Sargent, Accentra, LCN, Corbin Russwin, Rixson, Norton, and more. As we have an extensive inventory in the USA, all products are ready to ship the same day.

    Users can explore a range of commercial door hardware products and accessories such as:

    • Surface Mounted Door Closers:

      Easily installed on the door's surface, these closers ensure doors shut securely. They're highly visible, adjustable, and suitable for a variety of settings, providing controlled closing of doors to maintain safety and compliance with access regulations.

    • Electromechanical Door Closers:

      These sophisticated devices combine mechanical efficiency with electrical control, allowing seamless integration with security systems for controlled access and closing. Ideal for high-traffic areas, they offer precise adjustability and can be programmatically customized.

    • Concealed Door Closers:

      Designed for aesthetic appeal, concealed door closers are hidden within the door or frame, providing the same functionality without interfering with decor. They are perfect for design-conscious spaces, offering a clean look while ensuring door functionality.

    • Low Energy Operators:

      Perfect for ADA-compliant doors, these operators require minimal energy to function, making doors accessible with the push of a button or via motion detection. They ensure ease of access for all, particularly in environments serving individuals with disabilities.

    • Door Closer Arms

      : These are the mechanical arms that connect the door closer mechanism to the door itself, ensuring controlled opening and closing. They come in various designs such as regular, hold-open, or parallel, to match different door configurations and requirements.


    Always determine your needs and budget before choosing door closers to get the best value for your investment. QualityDoor offers a wide range of high-quality, ADA-compliant door closers to meet those needs.

    Final Thoughts

    Door closers are a cost-effective and essential investment for any commercial building. They provide a multitude of benefits, including enhanced security, improved safety, increased convenience, energy savings, and compliance with regulations. By understanding the importance and advantages of door closers, business owners and facility managers can make informed decisions to optimize their building's functionality and create a safer, more secure environment for everyone.
    We hope this blog has provided valuable insights into the importance and benefits of door closers, helping you make informed decisions when it comes to securing and enhancing your property. If you have any further questions or require assistance in choosing the right door closers for your project, do not hesitate to reach out to our team for expert guidance and support.



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